K2B Audit 6.0 is a complete rewrite of the original extension. It provides:
- Easier setup and usage:
- Change the value of K2B Audit Knowledge Base Role preference and you are done with setup
- Many properties were removed and the remaining ones were renamed and described.
- Menu options were renamed and reordered according to their estimated usage frequency.
- All dialogs were redesigned to make them clearer and easier to use.
- A few dialogs were added to guide the developer and avoid common errors.
- Long running tasks are executed in background to avoid freezing the user interface.
- Reduced trigger creation times
Triggers have less code and are generated using a different generation technology.
- Enhanced trigger code
Triggers code is smaller in size and performs better than earlier versions.
- Standard support for separate or consolidated Knowledge Bases
Audit analysis objects (the Audit Analyzer Knowledge Base) can now share the Audited Knowledge Base. See K2B Audit Knowledge Base Role preference.
- Reduced Analyzer database size
A new xml schema, that uses attributes instead of values, is used to generate the audit log.
Most Character data type attributes where changed to Varchar data type.
Audit records for update operations do not save the new value if it was not changed.
- Easier Deploy mechanisms
While providing the same previous mechanisms, new, "script oriented" ones where added to easy relationships with database administrators.