
WebObjectIcon Description

This node represents a menu item in the K2BMenu Pattern. It is associated with a Web Panel in the KB. If the web panel that corresponds to a WebObject receives parameters, Arguments nodes may be used to instantiate those parameters (See "Child nodes").


Category Name Value
General GXObject The GeneXus object that should be invoked when the user selects this option in the menu.
Description The description for the item when rendering the menu.
Icon Image The image associated with the item in the menu. (This property was called simply "Image" in K2BTools 15.1 and older).
Icon Image Class

The class that should be assigned to the image, if any. To maintain backwards compatibility if no image is set but the image class is, a SPAN element with that class will be created instead of the image. This enables the developer to manually include font awesome classes or classes with similar behaviour.

In K2BTools version 15.1 and older, this property was called Image Class.

Icon Set Icon The icon that should be associated with the item in the menu. Use this property to select an icon from an iconset.
Condition When generating the static menu load procedure this condition will be included so that the item is shown only if the condition is true.
Security Entity Name The name of the entity which will be used to check authorization before including this item in the menu. See K2BTools Security Model
Transaction Name The name of the transaction which will be used to check authorization before including this item in the menu. See K2BTools Security Model
Standard Activity Type If applicable, the activity type which will be used to check authorization before including this item in the menu (standard activity types only). See K2BTools Security Model
User Activity If applicable, the activity type which will be used to check authorization before including this item in the menu (user activity types only). See K2BTools Security Model
Responsive Design Show In Extra Small Determines if the item will be visible when using a device with a screen with a Extra Small size. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design.
Show In Small Determines if the item will be visible when using a device with a screen with a Small size. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design.
Show In Medium Determines if the item will be visible when using a device with a screen with a Medium size. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design.
Show In Large Determines if the item will be visible when using a device with a screen with a Large size. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design.

Child nodes

ArgumentsIcon Arguments


When the GXObject includes parameters, Arguments nodes may be included in instantiate those parameters. In order to do so, an Arguments node must be added as a child of the WebObject node, and Argument nodes must be added to that node. The amount of Argument nodes must match the amount of parameters in the GXObject. Each Argument node must specify a value for the corresponding parameter in its "Value" property.