This document describes syntax rules of conditions written in either of the following properties. Using conditional audit is part of Fine tuning K2B Audit.
Conditions supported by Audit triggers resemble GeneXus conditions but are a restricted subset of them.
- One or more conditions may be specified
- Each condition must end with a semicolon
- Each condition may use:
- boolean operators (and, or, not)
- comparison operators (=, >, >=, <=, <, <>)
- string constants, enclosed between double quotes
- numeric constants
- True and/or False as boolean constants
- old(att)/new(att) functions to reference, respectively, the old or new value of an attribute in update operations
In update operations, referencing an attribute (no old or new function) is interpreted as new(attribute).
- Each condition must reference, at least, one attribute
- Referenced attributes must be stored in the underlying table (there is no "extended table")
See Audit conditions examples for usage examples.