Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
No Skip Responsive Sizes Default |
Determines how the default value for "Responsive Sizes" properties will be generated.
- AlignFields: The algorithm will prioritize that fields are aligned in the interface.
- MaximizeSpaceUsage: The algorithm will prioritize that space is used optimally.
Generate Panel Titles |
Determines if panels generated with K2BTools will include a title in the panel's web form. |
Generate Record Count Textblock |
Determines if grids will include a "Record Count" textblock by default. This textblock is generated only if the "Display Page Count" property for the grid is set to "True". The contents of the textblock depend on the "Record Count Caption" property in the grid. |
Grid Actions Visibility |
Determines if grid actions are shown all the time or only when the user is hovering the row that contains them. |
Generate List Programs |
Determines if the K2BListPrograms procedure's content will be generated or not. |
CheckBoxChecked |
A literal to be shown in the export, reports and filter summary, when showing a value of an attribute/variable with a boolean datatype that is displayed in the user interface as a checkbox, when the value is true. |
CheckBoxUnchecked |
A literal to be shown in the export and report when showing a value of an attribute/variable with a boolean datatype that is displayed in the user interface as a checkbox, when the value is false. |
Transaction |
Generate Grid Row Settings Slot |
If set to "True", the "GridRowsSettings" slot will be generated as a fixed slot. This property's value is "True" by default.
IMPORTANT: This property was included to provide backwards compatibilty with old versions of K2BTools. Usage in new projects is not recommended.
Generate Autolinks In Transactions |
Determines if autolinks will be included in transactions where K2BTools patterns are applied. This applies both to K2BEntity Services and K2BTrnForm. |
Descriptions Layout |
Contains the value that should be used as a default in the property "Description Layout" in Attributes node and Summary nodes contained in K2BTrnForm instances.
This value is also used in K2BEntityServices to determine the layout for attribute descriptions when generating the default web form when the pattern is applied for the first time.
Filters |
Generate Date Filters |
Determines if date filters should be added when generating pattern default instances. If set to true, filters ("From" and "To") will be generated for each date attribute present in the transaction as a default. |
Generate Date Time Filters |
Determines if datetime filters should be added when generating pattern default instances. If set to true, filters ("From" and "To") will be generated for each date attribute present in the transaction as a default. |
Label Date From |
The string that should be used as the word "From" when generating default date filters in pattern default instances. Useful when translating the KB to a new language. |
Label Date Time From |
The string that should be used as the word "From" when generating default datetime filters in pattern default instances. Useful when translating the KB to a new language. |
Label Date To |
The string that should be used as the word "To" when generating default date filters in pattern default instances. Useful when translating the KB to a new language. |
Label Date Time To |
The string that should be used as the word "To" when generating default datetime filters in pattern default instances. Useful when translating the KB to a new language.
Default Date From |
Contains the default value that will be used when generating "From" date filters in pattern default instances. This property's value is treated as a GeneXus expression. As such, it may contain expressions like "ServerDate() - 30", to create default values that change according to the current date in runtime. |
Default Date Time From |
Contains the default value that will be used when generating "From" date time filters in pattern default instances. This property's value is treated as a GeneXus expression. As such, it may contain expressions like "ServerDate() - 30", to create default values that change according to the current date in runtime. |
Default Date To |
Contains the default value that will be used when generating "To" date filters in pattern default instances. This property's value is treated as a GeneXus expression. As such, it may contain expressions like "ServerDate()", to create default values that change according to the current date in runtime. |
Default Date Time To |
Contains the default value that will be used when generating "To" date time filters in pattern default instances. This property's value is treated as a GeneXus expression. As such, it may contain expressions like "ServerDate()", to create default values that change according to the current date in runtime. |
Search Button Layout |
Determines the position of the "Search" button relative to the filters when generating Filters.
Possible values:
- Right: Positions the button on the right side of the filters
- Bottom: Positions the button below the filters
String Search |
Determines the default condition that should be used when a filter based on a string attribute is added.
The default value is "<attName> like &<varName>". Using this value, if a filter named "UserCity" based on an attribute called "CityName" is created, then the default condition will be "CityName like &UserCity".
As an example of this property's usage, the developer may wish that all filters act using a "contains" logic. To achieve this, the developer may change this property's value to '<attName> like "%"+&<varName>+"%" '.
Descriptions Layout |
Contains the value that should be used as a default in the property "Description Layout" in Filters nodes contained in K2BTools Pattern instances. |
Default Summary Generator |
References the default summary generator for "Text" filter summaries. See Filter Summaries. |
Filter Summary Render |
Determines if the filter summary will be shown as a textblock or as a collection of tags. See Filter Summaries. |
Filter Summary Empty State |
Contains the text that will be shown when no filters are applied. |
Include Generic Filter |
Determines if Generic Filters should be included by default (when the basic layout object being used supports it). |
Generic Filter Invite Message |
Contains the invite message for the generic filter. |
Generic Filter Report Label |
Contains the label that should describe the generic filter in Reports and Exports. |
Universal Default Data Selector |
Contains a reference to a Data Selector object. If set, this object will be used in all K2BTools pattern instances (in WorkWith, SubWorkWith, and Prompt ndoes), unless an explicit DataSelector (node) is used or the "Use Default Dataselector If Available" property is set to "False". |
Column Filters Position |
Determines how filters associated with column titles will be shown. See Filters in column titles |
Filers/DataRangeFilters |
Manual Input type |
This property provides the default value for the "Manual input Type" property in date range filters. This value will be ignored in instances where the "OneField" option is not recommended eg: DateTime filters or list filters. |
Theme |
Web Theme |
Theme that should be used in web panels generated using K2BTools Patterns. Will be applied to object if property "SetObjectTheme" is set to true. |
Responsive Web Theme |
Theme that should be used in web panels generated using K2BTools Patterns when using the "Responsive" web form generator. Will be applied to object if property "SetObjectTheme" is set to true. |
Set Object Theme |
Determines if K2BTools Patterns should set the theme on generated web panels. |
UX |
Default UX Configuration |
Determines the default interface that will be generated. Currently, the possible options are:
- K2BFlat (using RWD, Smooth User Experience, and K2BFlat theme). This is the preferred option.
- K2BModern (non-RWD, K2BModern theme, Evolution 2-like experience). This option is provided to guarantee backwards compatibility.
Web User Experience |
Determines the "Web User Experience" property value for Web Panels created using K2BTools. This property's value is read from the KB version. |
Labels |
Ordered By |
The string that should be used as the word "Ordered By". Useful when translating the KB to a new language. |
Labels / TooltipText |
Grid Level Header Title |
Contains the Tooltip that should be assigned to Grid sublevel titles in a transaction (only used in non-RWD generation). |
Free Style Level Header Title |
Contains the Tooltip that should be assigned to Free Style Grid sublevel titles in a transaction (only used in non-RWD generation). |
Select Action In Combo Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip that will be used when generating the "Execute" button for Combo Actions. This button will be generated only if the "Execute Combo Action On Click" property is set to "False". |
Add Start/End Captions In Combo Actions |
Determines if "K2BSymbols.ComboActionStartCaption" and "K2BSymbols.ComboActionEndCaption" should be appended to the caption property when generating Combo Actions. |
Actions |
Select Action In Combo Image |
Contains a reference to the image that should be used to generate the "Execute" button for Combo Actions. This button will be generated only if the "Execute Combo Action On Click" property is set to "False". |
Error More Than One Row Selected |
The string that should be displayed when executing a action with row selection if more than one row was selected and the action is set to be a single item action. See Row selection in actions. Useful when translating the KB to a new language. |
Error None Rows Selected |
The string that should be displayed when executing a action with row selection if no rows were selected. See Row selection in actions. Useful when translating the KB.
Default Action Refresh Grid Value |
Contains the defualt value for the "Refresh Grid" property in actions. |
Confirm Message |
The message that should be displayed to request confirmation to the user when an action which requires confirmation is executed. Useful when translating the KB. See Confirm property in actions
Confirm OK |
The string that should be displayed in the "OK" button when requesting confirmation to the user before an action which requires confirmation is executed. Useful when translating the KB. See Confirm property in actions
Confirm Cancel |
The string that should be displayed in the "Cancel" button when requesting confirmation to the user before an action which requires confirmation is executed. Useful when translating the KB. See Confirm property in actions
Pop Up Autoresize |
Contains the default value for the "Pop Up Autoresize" property in Action nodes. |
Pop Up Height |
Contains the default value for the "Pop Up Height" property in Action nodes. |
Pop Up Width |
Contains the default value for the "Pop Up Width" property in Action nodes. |
Hide Search Button |
If set to "True", the search button will be hidden in grids generated with automatic refresh. |
Execute Combo Action On Click |
Indicates if the actions contained in a Combo Action should be executed when the user selects them in the combo box. If set to false, a separate button outside the combobox will be included to trigger the selected action's execution.
Report |
Title Font |
Font used when generating the title for a Report object?. |
Not Authorized Font |
Font used when generating the not authorized message for a Report object?. |
Filter Desc Font |
Font used when generating filter descriptions for a Report object?. |
Filter Field Font |
Font used when generating filter fields for a Report object?. |
Columns Font |
Font used when generating column titles for a Report object?. |
Row Field Font |
Font used when generating column variables for a Report object?. |
Space Between Columns |
Space that should be left between columns. |
Report / Label |
Not Authorized To View Report |
Contains the label that should be shown to the user when the user is not authorized to view a report. |
Security |
Set Permission Prefix In All Objects |
If set to "True", all web objects generated by K2BTools will have their Permission Prefix property set to the associated transaction name (or its Entity Security Name, depending on the "Entity Security Name As Permission Prefix" property). |
Entity Security Name As Permission Prefix |
Determines if the Permission Prefix property will be set with the related transaction name or its entity security name. |
Grid |
Use Base Trn |
If set to "True", the Base Transaction property will be set in all grids where K2BTools knows the intended base table. |
No Results Label |
The string that should be used when generating a grid for the case when no elements are found.
Generate Grid Settings |
Determines if grids should contain a grid settings control.
Grid Settings Label |
The string that should be used in the title of the grid settings control (used only if Generate Grid Settings is set to true). See this page for more information.
Grid Settings Save Label |
The string that should be used in the save button of the grid settings control (used only if Generate Grid Settings is set to true). See this page for more information.
Grid Settings Expand Symbol |
Contains a symbol that will be used in the UI to tell the user that the grid settings menu can be expanded. May include HTML Entity codes. The default value is "?". |
Available Conditional Classes |
Contains a comma-separated list of theme class names that may be used in Conditional Theme Classes properties. |
Show Actions Only If Available |
Determines if actions contained in grids should only be visible when avilable by default. This behaviour can be overriden in each action. See Show Action Only If Available option for more information.
Use GeneXus Paging |
Determines if GeneXus' paging should be used in grids with automatic refresh. |
Persist selected rows |
Used as the default value for the Persist selected rows property in WorkWith or SubWorkWith nodes. |
Rows Per Page |
Contains the default page size for grids. |
Horizontal scroll |
Contains the default value of the Horizonal Scroll in Grids property |
Freeze Column Titles |
Contains the default value of the Freeze column titles property |
User Feedback |
Generate Message Queue Display Code |
If set to "True", all web objects generated with K2BTools will include code in the "Start" event to display pending messages in the K2BTools Message Queue. |
Responsive Web Design |
Use Pagination Bar |
Determines if a Pagination Bar should be generated when generating grids using the RWD generator.
Page Previous Caption |
Contains a symbol that will be used in the "Previous page" button. May contain HTML entity codes, such as "«" («, the default value) |
Page Next Caption |
Contains a symbol that will be used in the "Previous page" button. May contain HTML entity codes, such as "»" (», the default value) |
Hide Paging Bar If One Page |
If set to "True", the paging bar will be hidden when the grid contains only one page. |
Advanced Filters |
Generate Collapsible Advanced filters |
If set to true, the advanced filters will be generated inside a collapsible section, so the end user can collapse and expand it.
If set to false, the advanced filters section will not be collapsible.
Collapsible Advanced Filters Start State |
If "Generate Collapsible Advanced Filters" is set to "True", this property allows the developer to customize the initial state of the collapsible section. The possible values are:
- Open: It starts opened.
- Open If In Use: It starts opened when the grid is filtered by any of the advanced filters, and close otherwise.
- Collapsed: It starts collapsed.
Advanced Filters Title |
Contains the default value for the "Title" property in Advanced Filters nodes. |
Advanced Filters Empty State Text |
Contains the default value for the "Empty State Text" property in Advanced Filters nodes. |
Advanced Filters Group Class |
Contains the theme class that will be used to generate the group containing the Advanced Filters. |
Advanced Filters Empty State Class |
Contains the theme class that will be used to generate the empty state message in the Advanced Filters section. |
Advanced Filters Row Class |
Contains the theme class that will be used to generate the rows for each advanced filter. |
Advanced Filters Combo Class |
Contains the theme class that will be used to generate the selection combo for each advanced filter.
Advanced Filter Combo Empty Item Text |
Contains the message shown as the "Empty Item Text" in the filter selection combo. |
Add Filter Action Caption |
Contains the caption that will be used to generate the add filter action in the Advanced Filters section. (Will not be used if the "Add Filter Action Image" is set). |
Add Filter Action Image |
Contains the image that will be used to generate the add filter action in the Advanced Filters section. |
Add Filter Action Class |
Contains the theme class that will be used to generate the add filter action in the Advanced Filters section.
Add Filter Action Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip that will be assigned to the add filter action in the Advanced Filters section. |
Add Filter Action Alternate Text |
Contains the alternate text that will be assigned to the add filter action in the Advanced Filters section. (Will be used only if the "Add Filter Action Image" is set). |
Remove Filter Action Caption |
Contains the caption that will be used to generate the remove filter action in the Advanced Filters section. (Will not be used if the "Remove Filter Action Image" is set).
Remove Filter Action Image |
Contains the image that will be used to generate the remove filter action in the Advanced Filters section.
Remove Filter Action Class |
Contains the theme class that will be used to generate the remove filter action in the Advanced Filters section.
Remove Filter Action Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip that will be assigned to the remove filter action in the Advanced Filters section.
Remove Filter Action Alternate Text |
Contains the alternate text that will be assigned to the remove filter action in the Advanced Filters section. (Will be used only if the "Remove Filter Action Image" is set).
Orders |
Show Order By When Only Simple Orders |
Determines if the order by combo should be generated when a grid contains Simple Order nodes and no CompoundOrder nodes. |
Generate Column Header Sorting In Server |
Determines if the sorting feature associated with the click event on a grid's column will be executed in the client or the server.
If executed in the client, it will only process the current page, while if executing in the server all rows will be processed, regardless of the page being shown.
Activate Sortable Grids |
Only visible when Generate Column Header Sorting in Server property is set to false. Contains the value that will be used for the sortable property of grids generated with K2BTools Patterns.
Note: When the "Sortable property is set the grid can be sorted by the end user, but only the current page will be sorted.