K2BTools generates (mainly via its K2BEntityServices Pattern) the interface for all CRUD operations associated with a GeneXus transaction.
In order to do so, K2BTools defines "Standard Actions". These actions are generated in all transactions by default, but may be disabled in particular cases if required. Standard actions generated by K2BTools contain all four CRUD operations (Called Insert, Display, Update, and Delete in K2BTools), and the "Report" and "Export" actions.
Standard Actions |
Update, Delete, and Display actions are present in WorkWith and SubWorkWith interfaces. Insert actions can also be used in Prompt interfaces.
The Report Action is included in all WorkWith and SubWorkWith interfaces, and allow the user to acces the Report object?. This object generates a PDF report with all the information that is being shown in the interface.
The Report Action is included in all WorkWith and SubWorkWith interfaces, and allow the user to acces the Export object?. This object generates an Excel file with all the information that is being shown in the interface.