
WebFormIcon Description

This node contains the definition for a Work With interface associated with the transaction where the pattern is applied.

A work with interface allows the end user to view all instances of a certain entity, and to perform actions on them. By default, the standard actions available in this interface are:

  1. To display an instance.
  2. To update an instance.
  3. To delete an instance.
  4. To create a new instance.
  5. To export data for all instances.
  6. To generate a PDF report with data for all instances.

The developer may choose to include more actions.

The instance list may be filtered, and ordered, accodring to the specification given by the developer. The instance list is a crucial part of this interface's specification. This list is specified using the Grid Columns, Filters, and Orders nodes.

Runtime appearance

WorkWithDefinition WorkWithSectionRT
WorkWith Definition WorkWith Runtime Appearance


Category Name Value
General Object Name Name that should be assigned to the generated WorkWith object. If set to default, the value will be read from K2BEntityServices Settings
Title Title for the interface. This value will be shown at the top of the WebForm.
Form Caption Static value for the Form.Caption property.This value will be displayed in the browser's tab's title.
Master Page The Master Page that will be set to the generated object. The default value for this property is read from the Basic Layout object associated with this node.
EditMode Edit Mode Determines the edit mode for this interface. The edit mode affects how the end user can insert, edit and delete records, and the navigation after those actions are confirmed. For more information see Edit Mode property.
Layout Layout Object Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating non-Responsive panels.
Master-Detail Layout Object

Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating non-Responsive panels.

This property applies only when using Master-Detail as the EditMode.

Responsive Layout Object Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating Responsive panels
Master-Detail Responsive Layout Object

Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating Responsive panels.

This property applies only when using Master-Detail as the EditMode.

Grid Automatic Refresh Determines if the Automatic Refresh property will be active for the generated WebPanel.
Grid conditions Indicates conditions that should be used when loading the grid.
Generate grid settings If set to True, the grid settings menu is generated for the grid.
Display Page Count If set to true, the Grid.PageCount method is called to display the total amount of pages. If set to false, the total amount of pages is not shown and the Grid.PageCount method is not called.
Persist selected rows If set to True, the row selection state will be persisted automatically when the user navigates between pages or applies filters.
Hide Paging If One Page If set to True, the paging bar will be invisible when only one page is available.
Use base trn If set to True, the Base Transaction feature will be used when generating this grid, improving specification performance.
Use Default Dataselector If Available Determines if the DataSelector specified (if any) in K2BTools General Settings should be used in this WebPanel.
Menu Include In Menu Determines if this interface should be considered in the scan menu action.
Advanced Main Program Determines the value of the "Main Object" property in the generated objec

Child nodes

FixedDataIcon FixedData ActionIcon Standard Actions VariablesIcon Variables (Node)
ArgumentsIcon Parameters ArgumentIcon Rules (Node) EventsIcon Events and Subroutines
WebFormIcon FormSection ColumnsIcon Grid Columns FiltersIcon Filters
OrdersIcon Orders ActionsIcon Actions (Patterns) DataSelectorIcon DataSelector (node)