Name |
Moment of execution |
Detailed description and possible uses |
U_WizardNext |
After the global event K2B_WizardNext when the next action is executed. |
This subroutine is executed after the Next action is executed. This can be used to customize the "Next" action.
U_BeforeComplete |
Before the Wizard is completed. |
This subroutine is executed when the "Finish" action is executed. This subroutine can be used to invalidate the wizard by setting the variable &IsValid_WizardMain to false if certain conditions are not met and also it can be used to add code to persist the result of the wizard in some data structure.
U_AfterComplete |
After the Wizard is completed. |
This subroutine is fired when the wizard is completed. In this method the developer can choose, for example, to navigate to another panel, or to return to the caller.
U_LoadStep |
After loading the WebComponent of the current step. |
This subroutine is executed after loading the WebComponent of the current step. This can be useful if the developer wants to add code after the WebComponent is loaded.
U_InitializeWizardSDT |
Before entering the Wizard. |
This subroutine is executed before the first step is created. This can be useful if the developer needs to initialize the "Wizard SDT" before starting the Wizard. For more information read Creating Wizard user interfaces