K2BToolsPatterns General Settings are the main way of configuring how K2BEntityServices works for a certain KB.
Note that K2BTools General Settings also configures how K2BEntityServices works, along with other K2BTools Patterns.
This object can be found in the "Preferences" section of the Knowledge Base Navigator, under the "Patterns" category.
K2BES Settings Location |
This node contains general settings for the pattern application, affecting several features.
Category |
Name |
Value |
Default Instance |
Work With Is Main |
Determines the default value for the "Is Main" property in WorkWith nodes. |
Tabs for parallel transactions |
Determines if tabs for parallel transactions will be added in the default instance generation. |
Max Related Components |
Determines the amount of components that will be added in the default instance generation. |
Entity Manager Description |
Determines the default value for the "Title" property in EntityManager nodes. In this value, "<TrnDescription>" will be replaced with the transaction's description. |
General |
Include Work With In Menu |
Determines the default value for the "Include In Menu" property in WorkWith nodes. |
Disable All Autolinks |
Disables the generation of all Autolinks in K2B Entity Services. |
Navigation |
Use Session Stack |
Determines if the navigation defined by K2BTools will be based on a session-stored stack implementation. |
Security |
Only Include Custom Activities |
If set to "True", standard activities will not be included in any way in the "K2BLoadActivityList" procedure. |
Ignore Standard Activity Type |
If set to "True", when generating the "K2BLoadActivityList" procedure standard action activity types will not be included. (Only valid if "Only Include Custom Activities" is set to False) |
Load Activity List Group Maintenance Actions |
If set to "True", when generating the "K2BLoadActivityList" procedure Insert, Update, and Delete activities will not be added and a "Maintenance" activity will be added instead. (Only valid if "Only Include Custom Activities" and "Ignore Standard Activity Type" are set to False). |
Ignore Pgm Name |
If set to "True", no information regarding Program Names will be included in the generation of the "K2BLoadActivityList" procedure. |
Set Authorization To Web Components |
If set to "True", the "Integrated Security Level" property for Web Components generated by K2BTools will be set to "Authorization". |
Export User Activity Type |
Allows the developer to set a user activity type to the Export feature. See K2BTools Security Model. |
Report User Activity Type |
Allows the developer to set a user activity type to the Report feature. See K2BTools Security Model. |
Template Advanced Settings |
Set Allow Non Standard Functions |
Determines if Non-Standard functions will be available in Web Panels created with K2BTools. This configuration affects the generation of WorkWith, EntityManager, and SubWorkWith nodes. |
Entity Manager |
Enable Back To Work With Links |
Contains the default value for the "Back To Work With" property in EntityManager nodes. |
History |
Generate History Component |
Contains the default value for the "Generate History Component" property in EntityManager nodes. |
This node affects how a transaction is updated when the pattern is applied to it.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Searchable |
Determines the default value for the "Searchable" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
Generate Slots For FK |
Determines the default value for the "Generate Slots For FK" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
Generate Fixed Slot For Parm |
Determines if the slot used to generate the parm rule will be generated as a "Fixed" slot or not. See Code slots in Rules and Events. |
Generate Fixed Slot For Key |
Determines if the slot used to generate noaccept rules for PK attributes will be generated as a "Fixed" slot or not. See Code slots in Rules and Events. |
Generate Fixed Slot For Cancel Event |
Determines if the "K2BES.EventCancel" slot will be generated as a Fixed slot or not. |
Generate Get Context For BC |
Determines if the "Context" variables should be loaded in a Business Component context in the start event of the transaction. |
Generate Check Button |
Determines if transactions generated with K2BTools will contain a "Check" button. Only use when converting KB's from GeneXus 9.0. |
Generate Gx Remove Variable In Web Form |
Determines if transactions will include a specific variable to implement the "Remove line" action. Only use when converting KB's from GeneXus 9.0. |
Overwrite Variables |
Determines if transaction variables should be re-generated each time the pattern is applied. |
Check Security In BC |
Determines if transactions should include rules to check permissions when used as Business Components. |
Not Authorized In BC Error Message |
Contains the error message when a transaction is used as a Business Component by an user without assigned permissions. |
Default Instance |
Update Transaction |
Determines the default value for the "Update Transaction" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
Navigation |
After Insert Action |
Determines the default value for the "After Insert" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
After Update Action |
Determines the default value for the "After Update" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
After Delete Action |
Determines the default value for the "After Delete" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
Force Next Tab On Paralel Transaction |
If set to "True", when the user is in a transaction and the next tab in its containing entity manager is a parallel transaction, the user will be redirected to it after completing the current transaction, regardless of the "After Update" property. |
Allow Next Tab On Update |
If set to "False", the EntityManager navigation will always enter the new component with "Display" mode. If set to "True", the component will be called with "Update" mode only if it is a Parallel transaction. |
User Feedback |
Generate After Trn Messages |
Determines if the Automatic Feedback Message Generation feature will be active or not. |
After Insert Message |
Determines the default value for the "After Insert Message" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
After Update Message |
Determines the default value for the "After Update Message" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
After Delete Message |
Determines the default value for the "After Delete Message" property in Transaction (Entity Services) nodes. |
EditMode |
Default Edit Mode |
Sets the default value for the "Edit Mode" property in Transaction objects. |
Default Insert Title |
Sets the default value for the "Insert Title" property in Transaction objects. |
Default Update Title |
Sets the default value for the "Update Title" property in Transaction objects. |
Default Delete Title |
Sets the default value for the "Delete Title" property in Transaction objects. |
EditMode \ Popup |
Default Popup Autoresize |
Sets the default value for the "Default Popup Autoresize" property in Transaction objects. |
Default Popup Width |
Sets the default value for the "Default Popup Width" property in Transaction objects. |
Default Popup Height |
Sets the default value for the "Default Popup Height" property in Transaction objects. |
Display Action In Popup |
Configures the default value for the "Use Pop Up In Display Mode" property in Standard Actions nodes. Possible values are:
Always: Always use the transaction pane in the display action.
OnlyIfEntityManagerDoesNotExist: If using this value, the transaction will be opened in the transaction pane only in instances where there is no associated EntityManager interface.
EditMode \ Master-Detail |
Include More Information Action |
Determines if interfaces created using Master-Detail edit mode should include a "More Information" action. |
More Information Action Caption |
Contains the caption for the "More Information" action in interfaces using Master-Detail edit mode. |
No Item Selected Default Caption |
Sets the default value for the "No Item Selected Caption" in Standard Actions nodes. |
Use Component In Display Action |
Configures the default value for the "Show Display Mode In Component" in Standard Actions nodes. Possible values are:
- Always: Always use the transaction pane in the display action.
- OnlyIfEntityManagerDoesNotExist: If using this value, the transaction will be opened in the transaction pane only in instances where there is no associated EntityManager interface.
This node contains the configuration that determines the names that will be assigned to generated objects.
Category |
Name |
Value |
Objects |
Entity Manager |
Contains the default value for the "Object Name" property in EntityManager nodes. The string "<TrnName>" will be replaced with the transaction's name. |
Work With |
Contains the default value for the "Object Name" property in WorkWith nodes. The string "<TrnName>" will be replaced with the transaction's name. |
General Component |
Contains the default value for the "Object Name" property in General nodes. The string "<TrnName>" will be replaced with the transaction's name. |
Paralel Transaction Component |
Contains the default value for the "Object Name" property in ParallelTransaction nodes. The string "<TrnName>" will be replaced with the related transaction's name, the string "<MainTrnName>" will be replaced with the name of the transaction the pattern is applied on. |
Sub Work With |
Contains the default value for the "Object Name" property in SubWorkWith nodes. The string "<TrnName>" will be replaced with the related transaction's name, the string "<MainTrnName>" will be replaced with the name of the transaction the pattern is applied on. |
Export |
Contains the default object name for export objects?. The string "<ObjectName>" will be replaced with the transaction's name. |
Report |
Contains the default object name for report objects?. The string "<ObjectName>" will be replaced with the transaction's name. |
Search Viewer |
Contains the default object name for the "Search Viewer" object. The string "<TrnName>" will be replaced with the transaction's name. See How to configure Universal Search. |
History Component |
Contains the default value for the "History Component Title" property in EntityManager nodes. The string "<TrnName>" will be replaced with the transaction's name. |
Theme - General
This node configures theme classes that will be used when generating General nodes.
Theme - EntityManager
This node configures theme classes that will be used when generating EntityManager nodes.
Theme - WorkWith
This node configures theme classes that will be used when generating WorkWith nodes.
Theme - SubWorkWith
This node configures theme classes that will be used when generating SubWorkWith nodes.
Theme - Transaction
This node configures theme classes that will be used when updating the transaction.
This node allows the developer to configure the caption for all labels generated in the pattern.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
General Tab |
Determines the default value for the "Title" property in General nodes. |
Use Deprecated Translation Scheme |
Only used in the generation of non-RWD applications. If set to "True", the "Page" and "of" properties will be used as explained below. If set to "False", the "K2BGetPageCountCaption" procedure will be used. |
Trn Buttons |
Button Confirm |
Contains the caption for the "Confirm" button. This property's value is "GX_BtnEnter" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Check |
Contains the caption for the "Check" button. This property's value is "GX_BtnCheck" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Cancel |
Contains the caption for the "Cancel" button. This property's value is "GX_BtnCancel" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Update |
Contains the caption for the "Update" button. This property's value is "GXM_captionupdate" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Delete |
Contains the caption for the "Delete" button. This property's value is "GX_BtnDelete" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Trn Tooltips |
Button Confirm Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Confirm" button. This property's value is "GX_BtnEnter" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Check Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Check" button. This property's value is "GX_BtnCheck" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Cancel Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Cancel" button. This property's value is "GX_BtnCancel" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Update Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Update" button. This property's value is "GXM_captionupdate" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Delete Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Delete" button. This property's value is "GX_BtnDelete" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Button Add Line Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Add Line" button. This property's value is "GXM_captionaddweb" by default. This value is translated automatically by GX to the KB's language. |
Paging |
Page |
This property is used if "Use Deprecated Translation Scheme" is set to "False" and a non-RWD application is being generated. In that case, the paging controls associated to a grid have the message "<Page> X <of> Y". This property defines the first part of that message. |
Of |
This property is used if "Use Deprecated Translation Scheme" is set to "False" and a non-RWD application is being generated. In that case, the paging controls associated to a grid have the message "<Page> X <of> Y". This property defines the second part of that message. |
Grids |
Filters |
Contains a title for the Filters section of a grid. This property is used only when generating non-RWD applications. |
History |
History Component Description |
Contains the default value for the "History Component Title" property in EntityManager nodes. |
This node contains configuration for grids generated with the pattern.
Category |
Name |
Value |
Grid |
Allow Runtime Column Selection |
Contains the default value for the "Allow Runtime Column Selection" property in Grid Columns nodes. |
Search Button Event Name |
Contains the event name used when generating the "Search" button in filters. |
Filters Table Responsive Sizes |
Contains the value for the "Responsive Sizes" property used in Filters Tables. Only used when the "SearchButtonLayout" property is set to "Right". This property allows the developer to choose the amount of space that will be given to the "Search" button. |
Page Default Options |
Contains the default value for the "Page Options" property in Grid Columns. |
This node contains configuration for work with grids generated with the pattern.
Category |
Name |
Value |
Grid |
Actions Layout |
Determines if InGrid actions contained in WorkWith grids will be shown on the left or on the right of the grid. |
Cell Spacing |
Contains the value for the Cell Spacing property of the grid. Only used when generating non-RWD applications. |
Cell Padding |
Contains the value for the Cell Padding property of the grid. Only used when generating non-RWD applications. |
Page |
Contains the default value for the "Page" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in WorkWith nodes. |
Render |
Custom Render |
Contains the default value for the "Custom Render" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in WorkWith nodes. |
SaveGrid |
Save Grid State |
Determines if the grid state (applied filters, current page, and page size) will be saved between executions. |
GridPaging |
Display Page Count |
Contains the default value for the "Page Count" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in WorkWith nodes. |
GridScroll |
Scroll |
Contains the default value for the "Scroll" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in WorkWith nodes. |
Height |
Contains the default value for the "Height" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in WorkWith nodes. |
Width |
Contains the default value for the "Width" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in WorkWith nodes. |
Search Button |
Automatic Refresh |
Contains the default value for the "Automatic Refresh" property in WorkWith nodes. |
Search Button Caption |
Contains the caption that will be used when generating "Search" buttons inside Filters nodes. |
Search Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip that will be used when generating "Search" buttons inside Filters nodes. |
Search Button Image |
Contains the image that will be used when generating "Search" buttons inside Filters nodes. |
Paging Buttons |
First Button Caption |
Contains the caption for the "First Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
First Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "First Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
First Button Image |
Contains the image for the "First Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
First Button Disable Image |
Contains the disable image for the "First Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Last Button Caption |
Contains the caption for the "Last Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Last Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Last Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Last Button Image |
Contains the image for the "Last Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Last Button Disable Image |
Contains the disable image for the "Last Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Next Button Caption |
Contains the caption for the "Next Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Next Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Next Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Next Button Image |
Contains the image for the "Next Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Next Button Disable Image |
Contains the disable image for the "Next Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Previous Button Caption |
Contains the caption for the "Previous Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Previous Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Previous Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Previuos Button Image |
Contains the image for the "Previous Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Previous Button Disable Image |
Contains the disable image for the "Previous Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
This node contains configuration for sub work with grids generated with the pattern.
Category |
Name |
Value |
Grid |
Actions Layout |
Determines if InGrid actions contained in SubWorkWith grids will be shown on the left or on the right of the grid. |
Cell Spacing |
Contains the value for the Cell Spacing property of the grid. Only used when generating non-RWD applications. |
Cell Padding |
Contains the value for the Cell Padding property of the grid. Only used when generating non-RWD applications. |
Page |
Contains the default value for the "Page" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in SubWorkWith nodes. |
Render |
Custom Render |
Contains the default value for the "Custom Render" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in SubWorkWith nodes. |
SaveGrid |
Save Grid State |
Determines if the grid state (applied filters, current page, and page size) will be saved between executions. |
GridPaging |
Display Page Count |
Contains the default value for the "Page Count" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in SubWorkWith nodes. |
GridScroll |
Scroll |
Contains the default value for the "Scroll" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in SubWorkWith nodes. |
Height |
Contains the default value for the "Height" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in SubWorkWith nodes. |
Width |
Contains the default value for the "Width" property in Grid Columns nodes contained in SubWorkWith nodes. |
Search Button |
Automatic Refresh |
Contains the default value for the "Automatic Refresh" property in WorkWith nodes. |
Search Button Caption |
Contains the caption that will be used when generating "Search" buttons inside Filters nodes. |
Search Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip that will be used when generating "Search" buttons inside Filters nodes. |
Search Button Image |
Contains the image that will be used when generating "Search" buttons inside Filters nodes. |
Paging Buttons |
First Button Caption |
Contains the caption for the "First Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
First Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "First Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
First Button Image |
Contains the image for the "First Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
First Button Disable Image |
Contains the disable image for the "First Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Last Button Caption |
Contains the caption for the "Last Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Last Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Last Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Last Button Image |
Contains the image for the "Last Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Last Button Disable Image |
Contains the disable image for the "Last Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Next Button Caption |
Contains the caption for the "Next Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Next Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Next Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Next Button Image |
Contains the image for the "Next Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Next Button Disable Image |
Contains the disable image for the "Next Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Previous Button Caption |
Contains the caption for the "Previous Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Previous Button Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the "Previous Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Previuos Button Image |
Contains the image for the "Previous Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
Previous Button Disable Image |
Contains the disable image for the "Previous Page" button contained in pagination controls. Only used in non-RWD applications. |
This node contains configuration for the insert standard action.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the insert standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the insert standard action. |
Enabled By Default |
Determines if this action will be generated by default. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the insert action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the insert standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the insert standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the insert standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the insert standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
This node contains configuration for the update standard action when shown in a Work With or Sub Work With.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the update standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the update standard action. |
Enabled By Default |
Determines if this action will be generated by default. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the update action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the update standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the update standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the update standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the update standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Column Width |
Contains the column width for the action's column (if "Layout" is set to "InGrid"). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
MultiRow |
Show Action Only If Available |
Determines if the action will be visible always or only when the grid's selection is "Single". |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
This node contains configuration for the delete standard action when shown in a Work With or Sub Work With.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the delete standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the delete standard action. |
Enabled By Default |
Determines if this action will be generated by default. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the delete action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the delete standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the delete standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the delete standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the delete standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Column Width |
Contains the column width for the action's column (if "Layout" is set to "InGrid"). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
MultiRow |
Show Action Only If Available |
Determines if the action will be visible always or only when the grid's selection is "Single". |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
This node contains configuration for the display standard action when shown in a Work With or Sub Work With.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the display standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the display standard action. |
Enabled By Default (Standalone display action) |
Determines if this action will be generated by default as a standalone action. |
Enabled By Default (Description Attribute) |
Determines if this action will be generated by default as an action on the transaction's description attribute. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the display action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the display standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the display standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the display standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the display standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Column Width |
Contains the column width for the action's column (if "Layout" is set to "InGrid"). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
This node contains configuration for the update standard action when shown in a Entity Manager.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the update standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the update standard action. |
Enabled By Default |
Determines if this action will be generated by default. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the update action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the update standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the update standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the update standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the update standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
This node contains configuration for the delete standard action when shown in a Entity Manager.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the delete standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the delete standard action. |
Enabled By Default |
Determines if this action will be generated by default. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the delete action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the delete standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the delete standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the delete standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the delete standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
This node contains configuration for the refresh standard action.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the refresh standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the refresh standard action. |
Enabled By Default |
Determines if this action will be generated by default. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the refresh action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the refresh standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the refresh standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the refresh standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the refresh standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
This node contains configuration for the export standard action.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the export standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the export standard action. |
Enabled By Default |
Determines if this action will be generated by default. |
Use Column Selection in Export |
Determines if columns hidden by the user (in the allow run time column selection) should be included in the export or not. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the export action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Include In Http Response |
If set to "True", Export files will be attached to the HttpResponse. If set to "False", a temprary file will be generated and then the user will be redirected to it. Using the "True" option is recommended. |
Main Program |
Sets the value for the "Main Program" property in Export procedures. Will be used only if "Include in Http Response" is set to "True". |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the export standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the export standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the export standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the export standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
Show Enumerated Domains Descriptions |
If set to "True", when displaying values based on enumerated domains or values with an associated control info whose "Input Type" property is set to "Descriptions" descriptions will be used instead of values. |
Add X-FrameOptions: Deny to Http Header |
If set to "True", the "X-Frame-Options: deny" HTTP header will be included in the response given by the Export procedure. Setting this property to "True" is recommended. |
Excel File Path |
Path where Excel files will be generated. The Directory.TemporaryFilesPath variable is used by default. |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Template |
Template |
File name of the template used when creating the Excel spreadsheet (can be left empty). |
Start Row |
Initial row for data, when using a template file (can be any integer expression). |
Start Column |
Initial column for data, when using a template file (can be any integer expression). |
Excel File Type |
File type used when generating Excel files. |
This node contains configuration for the report standard action.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Caption |
Contains the caption for the report standard action. Will be used only if the "Image" property is not set. |
Tooltip |
Contains the tooltip for the report standard action. |
Enabled By Default |
Determines if this action will be generated by default. |
Layout |
Position in the interface where the report action will be shown. See Position property in actions for more information. |
Main Program |
Sets the value for the "Main Program" property in Report procedures. |
Style |
Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the report standard action. |
Disabled Image |
Contains a reference to an image for the report standard action (used when the action is disabled). |
Image Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the report standard action (only used when "Image" is set). |
Alternate Text |
Contains an alternate text for the action's image (only used when "Image" is set). |
Button Class |
Contains a reference to the theme class that should be associated to the report standard action (only used when "Image" is not set). |
Behaviour |
Event Key |
Function key associated to the event. |
Generate In Pop Up |
Determines if the action will opens in a Window inside the current tab when executed or not. |
Pop Up Autoresize |
Only available when the "Generate In Pop Up" property is set to "True". Sets the value for the Autoresize property of the Pop Up Window. |
Pop Up Window Height |
Only available when the "Generate In Pop Up" property is set to "True". Sets the value for the Height property of the Pop Up Window. |
Pop Up Window Width |
Only available when the "Generate In Pop Up" property is set to "True". Sets the value for the Width property of the Pop Up Window. |
Show Enumerated Domains Descriptions |
If set to "True", when displaying values based on enumerated domains or values with an associated control info whose "Input Type" property is set to "Descriptions" descriptions will be used instead of values. |
Responsive Design |
Show In Extra Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Extra Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Small |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Small" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Medium |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Medium" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
Show In Large |
Indicates if this action should be visible in "Large" screens. See Introduction to Responsive Web Design. |
PaperConfiguration |
Paper Type |
Contains the paper type that will be used when generating Report objects?. |
Orientation |
Contains the paper orientation that will be used when generating Report objects?. |
Left Margin |
Contains the left margin that will be used when generating Report objects?. |
Right Margin |
Contains the right margin that will be used when generating Report objects?. |
Layout |
Report Layout |
Contains the report layout object that will be used when generating Report objects?. This object can be used to customize how reports are generated in a KB-Level. |
This node can be used to specify templates to generate rules in all transactions where this pattern is applied. See Automatic rule generation using K2BTools for more information.
Name |
Value |
Name |
This is the rules identifier. It can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and must begin with a letter. |
Description |
This is a developer-friendly description that should describe the rule’s logic. |
Name Match Regex |
This property allows the developer to define a regular expression. The regular expression defined in this property will be matched against the attribute name to determine if the attribute should be considered for the rule.
This property can be left empty. |
Domain |
If set, this property will be compared to the attribute’s “Based On” property to determine if the attribute should be considered for the rule.
This property can be left empty. |
Rules template |
This property contains a text template used to generate rules for matching attributes. |