
WebFormIcon Description

This node defines a component in an EntityManager interface that shows the information present in a transaction parallel to the transaction where the pattern is applied. This node's default behaviour is to show the transaction itself as a Web Component in display mode.

NOTE: Two transactions are called parallel if they share their Primary Key.

From this component, it is possible to access the transaction in update or delete modes. These actions are configured in the Modes (General) node that is included as a child of this node.

To avoid using the transaction in this interface, the "Use Transaction" property may be used.

Runtime appearance

In the following example, the "Product Storage" parallel component is included with its default behaviour.

ParallelTransactionDefinition ParallelTransactionSectionRT
Parallel Transaction Definition Parallel Transaction Runtime Appearance


Category Name Value
General Object Name Name that should be assigned to the generated General object. If set to default, the value will be read from K2BEntityServices Settings
Code Identifier for this component. Must be unique inside a Component group node.
Related Transaction

The transaction that this component refers to.

Title Title for the component. Currently, it is shown as the corresponding tab title.
Title Attribute Defines an attribute whose value for the instance being shown will be used as the component's title. When available, this value will replace the text set in the Title property.
Title Expression Expression used to evaluate the component's title in runtime. When available, this value will replace the text set by the Title and Title Attribute properties.
Icon Icon used to identify this component. Not available if this node is a direct child of a 'Tabs' group.
Layout Layout Object Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating non-Responsive panels.
Responsive Layout Object Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating Responsive panels
Advanced Condition

Condition that determines if the component is visible or not.

Check Condition In For Each

Determines if the condition will be evaluated inside a For Each command. If the condition references attributes, this property must be set to True.

Table Element Collapsible Determines if the component will be collapsible in runtime. See Collapsible property for details.
Start Collapsed Determines if the component will be collapsed by default in runtime.See Start collapsed property for details.
Component Position Position of this component relative to the previous component.
Content Content Web Component Web component that will be used for this component's content
Content In Display Mode

Content that will be shown in display mode.

Available only if the "Content Web Component" property is set, or the node contains an "Attributes" child.

Possible options are:

  1. Transaction: The referenced transction will be shown.
  2. Web component: The web component selected in the "Content Web Component" property will be shown.
  3. Attrbiutes: The attributes section defined in the Attributes child will be shown.
Content In Edit Modes

Content that should be shown in insert, update, and delete modes.

Available only if the "Content Web Component" property is set, or the node contains an "Attributes" child.

Possible options are:

  1. Transaction: The referenced transction will be shown.
  2. Web component: The web component selected in the "Content Web Component" property will be shown.
  3. Attrbiutes: The attributes section defined in the Attributes child will be shown.

Child nodes

ActionIcon Modes (General) AttributesIcon Attributes node VariablesIcon Variables (Node)
ArgumentsIcon Parameters ArgumentIcon Rules (Node) EventsIcon Events and Subroutines
WebFormIcon FormSection


Actions (Patterns)