Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Object Name |
Name that should be assigned to the generated Entity Manager object. If set to default, the value will be read from K2BEntityServices Settings |
Title |
Title for the interface. This value will be shown at the top of the WebForm. |
Form Caption |
Static value for the Form.Caption property.
This value will be displayed in the browser's tab's title. This property is not used if the "Form Caption Attribute" or "Form Caption Expression" properties are set.
Form Caption Attribute |
Attribute value for the Form.Caption property. The attribute must belong to the transaction's extended table.
This value will be displayed in the browser's tab's title. This property is not used if the "Form Caption Expression" properties is set.
Form Caption Expression |
Expression value for the Form.Caption property. This expression will be evaluated in runtime, all atrtibutes used in it must belong to the transaction's extended table.
This value will be displayed in the browser's tab's title.
IMPORTANT: This expression is a GeneXus expression. It may involve character constants, Attributes and Variables. To include character constants they must be enclosed in single or double quotes.
Master Page |
The Master Page that will be set to the generated object. The default value for this property is read from the Basic Layout object associated with this node. |
Layout |
Layout Object |
Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating non-Responsive panels. |
Responsive Layout Object |
Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating Responsive panels |
Component Defined Responsive Layout Object |
Basic Layout object used to generate the interface, when generating Responsive panels.
This layout object will be used when the "Components UI Generation" property is set to "DefinedInComponents".
Navigation |
Back To Work With |
Determines if the generated interface should include a link to the corresponding WorkWith interface. |
(Deleted in K2BTools 10.0, substituted by the "HistoryComponent" node)
Generate History Component |
Determines if the generated interface should include a History component. Only visible if the transaction is audited in K2BAudit. |
History Component Name |
Name that should be assigned to the object generated to implement the History component. |
History Component Title |
Title for the tab containing the History component. |
History Component Condition |
Condition that will determine if the History component will be visible or not. |
Advanced |
Use Parameters To Create Components |
Only used in conversions from GeneXus 9.0. If this property is set, the parameters for the components will be the same as the Entity Managers', and not based on the transaction. |
Components UI Generation |
Use this property to customize how the Entity Manager's components are displayed. See Component Group in Entity Manager. |