Status: Released
The latest release introduces a powerful and flexible Kanban view, designed for seamless integration into your applications.
It can be easily integrated into existing grids or work with interfaces, enabling a visually engaging way to manage tasks or items. The intuitive drag-and-drop feature allows users to change item statuses dynamically, streamlining workflows.
Kanban view runtime example |
For simple cases, the developer may quickly choose a few attributes to determine how items are organized in columns and the information shown in each item.
For more advanced scenarios, developers can take full control by loading items via a procedure or data provider, offering unmatched customization and scalability. This new control combines ease of use with powerful capabilities to enhance productivity.
If drag and drop is enabled, when an item is dragged from one column to another a procedure is called where the developer can perform all validations and actions required by the application logic.
The developer can quickly add a kanban view in a blank web panel using the "Add Kanban View from Transaction" action.
K2BTools 15.3 introduces a new Treeview control, designed to enhance the way hierarchical data is displayed and interacted with in your applications. Whether you need to represent organizational structures, product catalogs, or file systems, this control provides an intuitive and user-friendly experience. This control can be used in regular variables and collection variables.
Treeview sample |
Additionally, it supports lazy loading, ensuring optimal performance by loading nodes only when needed. For example, you can use the Treeview to navigate a large inventory, progressively loading product categories and subcategories, or to drill down into multi-level customer data without overwhelming the interface.
The calendar view was improved in this version, adding the possibility of showing more information in calendar items when required.
Calendar view extra information |
The developer can acheive this using the "extras" collection in the CalendarItem SDT when loading the items using a Procedure or data provider.
By default, the extra items will be shown in the calendar item below the description and time period. If the text does not fit in the space allocated for the item (as shown in the image above), the user can see the complete version in the item's tooltip.
The calendar control now allows the developer to scroll the view up to a specific hour. This is useful when the calendar shows the hours early in the day that are rarely used.
In previous versions, the calendar list was defined in design time. This version adds support for calendars loaded dynamically in runtime, using the "Calendar provider" property in the calendar view.
Using this API the developer can choose which calendars are active in the panel, emulating the action performed by the user in the calendar selection combobox.
This version includes the "Add calendar from Transaction" action to easily add a calendar view to any web panel generated with this tool.
Add calendar from Transaction action |
- Bugs related to the render of muti-day events were solved.
- Long calendar descriptions are now shown correctly in the calendar selection combobox.
This release introduces support for the Column Group Description property in grid columns, enabling developers to group adjacent columns under a shared header for improved clarity and organization. When columns with the same group description are placed next to each other, the grid automatically displays a group header above the individual column titles. The group headers dynamically adjust to changes in the grid state, such as column reordering, hiding, or showing, ensuring that the headers remain accurate and relevant. This feature enhances readability and provides a more user-friendly grid experience.
Runtime behaviour |
- The developer can now associated function keys to any action. This was previously restricted to standard actions in the Entity Services pattern.
- The "CancelActionExecution" flag is now available for wizards with confirmation using the same logic used in actions with confirmation.
- The mega menu control now supports opening the first level when the header is clicked, not when hovered.
- Filters can now be shown always in the filter summary, the "Always" option in the "Include in filter summary" property.
- Collection view nodes now support the Base Transaction property.
- The "Allow grid view persistence" property is now available in K2BTools General Settings, allowing this feature to be turned on or off for the entire KB.
- New "Open transaction" action available in the Entity Services editor in Parallel nodes.
- The "Based on" property for variables is now inferred from the variable name (when the variable name is equal to an Attribute or Domain name).
- Several improvements to improve integration with services generated using the service builder.
- The "Convert to web panel designer" tool was improved to increase its scope and accuracy.
- Numeric input control improved for better mobile support: the numeric keypad is now used with this control when using mobile devices.
- The online preview available in the IDE was improved to provide better accuracy.
- Internal improvement: the message handling feature in the K2BControlBeautify user control was improved to provide a better user experience and enable future feature implementations.
- Several minor fixes in the GAM integration module to keep it updated with new GAM features.
- When using GAM and the Notifications module, the phone number is now loaded from the user entry in GAM.
- The Mega menu is now closed automatically when an option is clicked.
- The "Empty State Text" for the calendar selection combobox is now customizable by the developer.
- The search feature inside dynamic comboboxes now ignores diacritics (accents, tildes, etc).
- The Phone input control type now supports formatting the number as it's being typed.
- The confirm dialog is now hidden immediately, even if the server-side process takes longer.
- Minor bugs in the Design System configuration wizard were fixed.
- Popovers did not work in grids that contain only variables.
- In some scenarios, calendar views were duplicated in the UI.
- Errors when a web panel contains more than one grid with "Load Event Scheme" = "Managed by developer" were fixed.
- Action groups in free style grids were not hidden when all the actions contained in them were invisible.
- Click events for row selection checkboxes were not triggered in some cases.
- UI improvements for dynamic comboboxes associated to collection variables where the selected items were shown as a tag collection.
- UI improvements for dynamic comboboxes: if no space is available to open the combobox below the header, open it above.
- The fix filter values subroutine fails in collection dynamic comboboxes with values loaded with a data provider using the K2BT_ExtendedControlValues SDT.
- Top Left actions associated with collection view nodes are now shown in the sample place as they would in Grid nodes in the Aries design system.
- Readonly variables with long VARCHAR types were not shown properly in the UI when editable in the Aries design system.
- The "Template" property was not used correctly when generating spreadsheet exports.
- Enabled property added to the Stepper, Masked Input, and Split datepicker controls.
- Visible property implemented for Phone input controls.
- Conditional row classes are not working in grids with load events managed by the designer with no paging.
- UI fixes for labels associated with checkboxes (when shown to the left of the checkbox itself).
- Target = _blank was not working in actions associated with action groups.
- GUID handling in filter summaries with standard control types.
- Control value changed event not executed in Masked input controls when Ouput value is without mask.
- Tooltips associated with actions using iconset icons where not shown in standard grids.
- Minor bugfixes in the formatting of values when using the Numeric Input control type.
- Intent based navigation added to WebPanels created with WebPanelDesigner.
- Messages are not correctly shown after update (K2BTools did not autmatically update the design system object) (Broken)