When using the K2BMenu Pattern two procedures are generated. The static load menu procedure and the initialization procedure. The aim of the initialization procedure is to initialize a menu stored in the application’s database. When using the GAM integration module the menus are stored in the GAM database.
K2BTools provides an integration between this module and the initialization menu generated by the K2BMenu pattern that allows the end user to load the menus defined in K2BMenu to the GAM database.
In order to load a menu defined by the K2BMenu pattern into the GAM database, the menu must be added to the “menu initialization list”. In the Menu node (link) there is a property called “Include In Menu Initialization List”. If set to true, the K2BMenu will be added to that list. Each time a K2BMenu instance is applied, the K2BListAllMenusInitializations procedure is updated. This procedure returns a list of all menus that have “Include In Menu Initialization List” set to true. This procedure will be called by the GAM integration module in order to add the menu to the GAM database.
In order to load the menus generated by K2BMenu Pattern to the GAM database, use the “Load Application Menu” action in the “Menus” option.
![LoadingApplicationMenus](apgetwikiimage?21274,1) |
Loading application menus with the GAM integration module |
When executing this action, all defined menus will be added to the GAM database. A message will appear indicating the success or failure of the action.