There are certain scenarios in which a step should be skipped depending on a condition related to the data already entered by the user.
To convert a step into a conditional step, the “Has Condition” property in the Step node must be set to true. By doing this, the U_IsStepAvailable subroutine is created. The developer must check whether the step is available or not in this subroutine. If the step is not available, the &IsWizardStepAvailable variable must be set to false.
The condition can be checked in two moments, this can be configured using the “Check Condition” property.
If the availability of the step, can be checked only the moment before the user entered to the step then the “Check Condition” property must be set to “BeforeEnteringStep”, in this case the condition is checked before the step is shown. On the other hand, if the availability of the step can be calculated in each step, or in a step different than the previous one, the “Check Condition” property must be set to “Always”. In this case, the Variable &WizardStep_<WizardName> can be used, for the developer to know which step is going to be shown.
In this example, the Select Product Quantity Step is skipped when no products are selected.
In this example, the Select Product Quantity Step is skipped when no products are selected. |
In this case this is the code of the IsStepAvailable subroutine. |