To customize how confirm dialogs are displayed in the end application you can edit the K2BT_ConfirmDialog user control.
Its properties and events must stay as distributed by K2BTools, but the developer can change anything else in the Screen template part and in the scripts contained in the Properties part.
The default HTML code (as in K2BTools 15.1), is:
<div class="Table_ConditionalConfirm" style="display:none;">
<div class="Section_CondConf_Dialog">
<div class="Section_CondConf_DialogInner">
<span class="K2BT_ConfirmDialogMessage"></span>
<div class="K2BT_ConfirmActions">
<input type="button" value="Ok" class="K2BT_ConfirmDialogOk K2BToolsButton_MainAction_Confirm btn btn-default"/>
<input type="button" value="Cancel" class="K2BT_ConfirmDialogCancel Button_Standard btn btn-default"/>
For example, if the buttons order should be changed, modify the HTML to change the order of the input tags:
<div class="Table_ConditionalConfirm" style="display:none;">
<div class="Section_CondConf_Dialog">
<div class="Section_CondConf_DialogInner">
<span class="K2BT_ConfirmDialogMessage"></span>
<div class="K2BT_ConfirmActions">
<input type="button" value="Cancel" class="K2BT_ConfirmDialogCancel Button_Standard btn btn-default"/>
<input type="button" value="Ok" class="K2BT_ConfirmDialogOk K2BToolsButton_MainAction_Confirm btn btn-default"/>