K2BTools Tutorial - Exercise 2.4: Using K2BTools Control Types

Dynamic Combo Box K2BTools

  1. Open Invoice transaction.
  2. Go to "Patterns" part and select "Entity Services" pattern.
  3. In the "Filters" node, add a new "Filter Attribute" with the following properties:
    • Name (Id): CustomerId.
    • Based On: CustomerId.
      Filter Attribute

  4. Add a "Control Info" to the CustomerId filter with the following properties:.
    Control Info

    • Control Type: Dynamic Combo Box K2BTools
    • Data Source From: Attributes.
    • Item Value: CustomerId.
    • Item Description: CustomerName.
    • Item Images: CustomerPhoto.
    • Item Details: CustomerNumber.
    • Item Trailing Text: CustomerBirthday.
    • Item Category: CountryName.
  5. Build your application (F5) and see the results in runtime by opening WWInvoice Web Panel.

Suggest K2B Tools

  1. Open Invoice transaction.
  2. Go to "Patterns" part and select "Entity Services" pattern.
  3. Click on the control info added in the previous step and change the following property:
    • Control Type: Suggest K2BTools

Note: If you cant see the results, try clicking on "Apply pattern" from K2BEntityServicesInvoice instance located in the KB Explorer.

Apply Pattern

Toggle K2B Tools

  1. Open Invoice transaction.
  2. Go to "Patterns" part and select "Entity Services" pattern.
  3. Click on the control info added in the previous step and change the following properties:
    • Control Type: Toggle K2BTools
    • Item Details: (none)
    • Item Trailing Text: (none)
  4. Build your application (F5) and see the results in runtime by opening WWInvoice Web Panel.

Note: If you cant see the results, try clicking on "Apply pattern" from K2BEntityServicesInvoice instance located in the KB Explorer.

Apply Pattern