The GAM integration module module implements some advanced features that may be customized by the developer to adapt it to the project's requirements. To allow easy customization in all scenarios, a decision was made to create several procedures encapsulating the loading of all relevant parameters.
The developer can modify these procedures to load the desired values into the parameters. These values may be hard coded in the procedures or loaded from database tables that may already exist on the Knowledge Base.
Note: In future versions, it is possible that these procedures will be modified to store all values in OAV attributes in several GAM entities. By doing this the system's administrator will be able to modify the values through the application.
The available procedures are:
- K2BFSGLoadLoginParameters
- K2BFSGLoadMessageParameters
- K2BFSGLoadRecoverPasswordEmailParameters
- K2BFSGLoadRecoverPasswordRequirementsParameters
The following sections explain the usage of each of these procedures and the variables contained in them.
These are variables used in the login screen of the application.
Variable |
Usage |
Default value |
&AmountOfCharacters |
Contains the length of the text used in the CAPTCHA control. |
5 |
&AmountOfFailedLogins |
Contains the maximum number of failed logins accepted before presenting the CAPTCHA Control. |
1 |
&BadLoginsExpire |
Determines if the failed logins are persisted until the user successfully logins, or are ignored after a certain period (1 hour). |
true |
&ShouldAddSleepOnFailure |
Determines whether an artificial delay should be added to the request processing when an incorrect login has been found. |
true |
This variable is used in the login and in the "remember password" sreens of the application.
Variable |
Usage |
Default value |
&ShowDetailedMessages |
Determines whether detailed messages are shown in the login and remember password interfaces.
If set to false,a generic message will be shown in all cases, regardless of the outcome of the operation.
Note: This variable should be set to true only in development environments.
false |
These variables are used to customize the way in which the password recovery emails are sent to the users.
Variable |
Usage |
Default value |
&SendPasswordEmail |
Determines whether a recovery email will be sent to the user containing the link to reset his password.
If set to false, upon completing the form the user will be redirected to the reset password screen.
Note: This variable should be set to false only in development environments.
true |
&MailSubject |
The subject that should be used in the password recovery email. |
Password Recovery |
&MailMessage |
The email message that should be sent to the user. The value of this variable serves as a template.
The following substitutions are made to this template:
- %1 is substituted by the link to the password recovery web panel.
- %2 is substituted by the users's name
- %3 is substituted by the users's last name
Hello %2 %3,<p>
You can reset your password <a href='%1'>here</a><p>
If this message was not sent by you, you can ignore it.<p>
If this happens frequently, please contact your administrator.<p>
Regards, |
&SMTPServerName |
The name of the SMTP server that should be used to send the email. |
Empty |
&SMTPPort |
The port on which the SMTP server is listening. |
25 |
&SMTPUserName |
The username that should be used on the server when sending the email. |
Empty |
&SMTPPassword |
The password that should be used to authenticate the user in the SMTP server. |
Empty |
&SMTPAuthentication |
Determines whether the server requires user authentication or not. |
1 |
&SMTPSenderName |
The name that should be used when sending the email. |
Empty |
&SMTPSenderAddress |
The email address that should be used when sending the email. |
Empty |
&MinMinutesBetweenEmails |
To prevent user inbox flooding, the system does not allow more than one password recovery email over a certain period.
This variable determines the length of that period.
15 |
&ServerHost |
The name of the server in which the application is installed (used when creating the password recovery link) |
Empty |
&ServerPort |
The port the application's server is listening on (used when creating the password recovery link) |
Empty |
&ServerBaseURL |
The base URL where the application is installed in the server (used when creating the password recovery link) |
Empty |
These variables are used to determine the behaviour of the "remember password" interface in the application.
Variable |
Usage |
Default value |
&RequireEmail |
Determines whether the user's email address is required before sending the recovery email. |
true |
&RequireFirstName |
Determines whether the user's first name is required before sending the recovery email. |
false |
&RequireBirthday |
Determines whether the user's birthday is required before sending the recovery email. |
true |