This page explains the generic features of Grid nodes. These nodes are used in web panels created with K2BWebPanelDesigner to include GeneXus grids in them.
If you need information about grid nodes in SD Designer instead of Web Panel Designer, check out this page.
Grid nodes are among the most complex nodes used in K2BWebPanelDesigner. This occurs mainly because there are many ways the grid can obtain its data. Currently, five types of grids are available:
- Grids with base table
- Grids with an inferred for each
- Grids based on Data providers or Procedures
- Grids with no base table
- Grids based on SDTs or Business Components
In the following sections, generic properties referring to all five types will be explained. To see details regarding one of the types shown above, please go to the specific page.
The grid node's runtime appearance depends on the "WebPanelDesignerLayout" object. This object is imported into the KB when K2BWebPanelDesigner is used for the first time in it, and can be modified later to suit the developer's needs. Note that modifying this object affects all web panels generated. Using the default implementation, the appearance will be the one shown below.
Grid instance |
Run time appearance of grid instance |
To change this default appearance, see Using WebPanelDesigner Layout Object.
In this section only generic grid properties are shown. Specific properties for each type of grid can be found on the page specific to the type.
Category |
Name |
Value |
General |
Name (Id) |
The grid's name. Must be unique within the web panel. |
Title |
The title associated with this grid (will be shown as the title for the grid component in the final UI). |
Responsive Layout Object |
Reference to the layout object used when generating this grid. This can be used to customize how grid controls are placed in the UI. |
Generate Grid Settings |
If set to True, the grid settings menu is generated for the grid. |
Allow Runtime Column Selection |
DEPRECATED: This property was moved to the Grid Columns node.
In older versions: Determines if this grid will have Runtime column selection enabled.
Conditional Row Classes |
DEPRECATED: This property was moved to the Grid Columns node.
In older versions: Contains a set of conditions that determine different formattings for the grid rows based on their content. See Conditional classes in grids |
Page |
DEPRECATED: This property was moved to the Grid Columns node, and renamed to Rows Per Page.
In older versions: Indicates the amount of rows to display per grid page. If set to zero, no paging will be generated and all available items will be shown. |
Page Options |
DEPRECATED: This property was moved to the Grid Columns node.
In older versions: Determines the options available in the Rows Per Page field inside the grid settings control. |
Hide Paging Bar If One Page |
If set to "True", the paging bar will be shown only if more than one page are available. If set to "False", it will be shown always. |
Add User Subroutines To Paging Events |
Determines if K2BWebPanelDesigner should include calls to user subroutines in paging events. |
Custom Render |
Indicates if the grid should be rendered using the default GeneXus implementation, or should be rendered using an User Control designed for that purpose.
Note: Not avialable if generating web panels with Responsive Web Design.
Persist Selected Rows |
If set to True, the row selection state will be persisted automatically when the user navigates between pages or applies filters. |
Load Event Scheme |
Available only when the grid's type is with no base table. Determines the structure of the load event: If the event's iteration logic should be managed by the Designer or by the developer. See Grids with no base table for more details. |
Behaviour |
Allow Selection |
Set to true the grid property allow selection. For more information see guide How to use AllowSelection in Grids. |
Allow Drop |
Contains the value for the Allow Drop property in GeneXus. |
Generate Drop Event |
Indicates if Web Panel Designer should generate the subroutine necessary to handle the drop event. |
Allow Drag |
Contains the value for the Allow Drag property in GeneXus. |
Generate Drag Event |
Indicates if Web Panel Designer should generate the subroutine necessary to handle the drag event. |
Theme |
Theme |
Class theme that should be used when rendering the grid |
Grid container class |
Class theme that should be used when rendering the grid's container section. |
MultiRow |
Force Multirow |
Forces checkboxes to appear on the grid if set to "True".
Note: This property is not available when using the grid inside a Multiple Selection control, as in that case the grid checkboxes appear by default.
State |
Save Grid State |
Determines if the state of this grid's filters should be saved in order to recover them if the user switches between screens. |
Note: In this section only generic user events are shown. Specific events for each type of grid can be found on the page to the type.
In the following table, {InternalName} should be replaced with the value of the property "Name (Id)" of the grid.
Name |
Moment of execution |
Detailed description and possible uses |
U_PagingFirst({InternalName}) |
Before moving to the first page of the grid |
This subroutine is executed before changing the page being displayed. This can be useful if the user wishes to save values shown on the grid that haven't been persisted already.
Note: this user subroutine is generated only if the developer has set the property "Add User Subroutines To Paging Events" to "true".
U_PagingPrevious({InternalName}) |
Before moving to the previous page of the grid |
This subroutine is executed before changing the page being displayed. This can be useful if the user wishes to save values shown on the grid that haven't been persisted already.
Note: this user subroutine is generated only if the developer has set the property "Add User Subroutines To Paging Events" to "true".
U_PagingNext({InternalName}) |
Before moving to the next page of the grid |
This subroutine is executed before changing the page being displayed. This can be useful if the user wishes to save values shown on the grid that haven't been persisted already.
Note: this user subroutine is generated only if the developer has set the property "Add User Subroutines To Paging Events" to "true".
U_PagingLast({InternalName}) |
Before moving to the last page of the grid |
This subroutine is executed before changing the page being displayed. This can be useful if the user wishes to save values shown on the grid that haven't been persisted already.
Note: this user subroutine is generated only if the developer has set the property "Add User Subroutines To Paging Events" to "true".
U_Search({InternalName}) |
Before pressing search button asociated with the grid. |
This subroutine is executed after pressing the search button. This can be useful if the developer wishes to change the value of a variable when search button is pressed.
One use case is when the developer doesn't want to load grid records on page load. A condition can be placed in the grid stating that a variable must be true (Ex:&Filter=True) . Then, inside the subroutine "U_OpenPage" the developer must set &Filter=False and in this subroutine change it to &Filter = True in order to start loading records when the final user presses the search button.
Grid nodes have specific children with special meanings. Unlike other types of node, in this case the children of the node define its behavior. Also, in many cases there can only be one node of a certain type inside the grid. Available nodes, and their purposes, are:
Grid Columns. This node is used to define which will be the columns included in the grid. It has no relation to the Columns type of node, as they serve very different purposes. As this defines the columns that are shown on the grid, only one of these nodes can appear on a certain grid. Also because of this, it is mandatory that one node of this type exists on the grid.
Filters. This node is used to define which will be the filters specific to this grid. It is important to note that nodes of this type can never appear outside grids, as their purpose is tightly connected to the grid itself. These nodes can appear at most once inside each grid.
Orders. This node is used to define which will be the orders generated for this grid. These nodes can appear at most once inside each grid.
Summary. This node can be used to present a summary of the data shown in the grid. For example, this could be used to display a total amount calculated from the values of a particular column.
Actions. This node contains Action nodes that should appear alongside the grid. Actions included in this node will not be shown as In-Grid actions (as defined in the Action page). If the developer wishes to include actions inside the grid, they must be included in the Grid Columns node.